
Amit Vinograd*, Aditya Nair*, Joseph Kim, Scott W. Linderman and David J. Anderson†. Causal evidence of a line attractor encoding an affective state. Nature (2024).
Mengyu Liu*, Aditya Nair*, Nestor Coria, Scott W. Linderman and David J. Anderson†. Encoding of female mating dynamics by a hypothalamic line attractor. Nature (2024).
George Mountoufaris, Aditya Nair, Bin Yang, Dong-Wook Kim, Sam Kim, Amit Vinograd, Scott W. Linderman and David J. Anderson†. A line attractor encoding a persistent internal state requires neuropeptide signaling. Cell (2024).
Amber Hu, David Zoltowski, Aditya Nair, David Anderson, Lea Duncker and Scott Linderman. Modeling Latent Neural Dynamics with Gaussian Process Switching Linear Dynamical Systems. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (Neurips). 2024
Aditya Nair, Yue Yang Teo, George Augustine† and Martin Graf. A functional logic for neurotransmitter co-release in the cholinergic forebrain pathway. PNAS 120 - 28 (2023).
Aditya Nair, Tomomi Karigo, Bin Yang, Surya Ganguli, Mark J. Schnitzer, Scott W. Linderman, David J. Anderson, and Ann Kennedy. "An approximate line attractor in the hypothalamus encodes an aggressive state." Cell 186, no. 1 (2023): 178-193.
Willcyn Tang, John Thundyil, Grace Gui Yin Lim, Teddy JW Tng, Sean Qing Zhang Yeow, Aditya Nair, Chou Chai, Tso-Pang Yao, and Kah-Leong Lim. "Parkin regulates neuronal lipid homeostasis through SREBP2-lipoprotein lipase pathway—implications for Parkinson's disease." Human Molecular Genetics (2023).
Brandon Weissbourd, Tsuyoshi Momose, Aditya Nair, Ann Kennedy, Bridgett Hunt, and David J. Anderson. "A genetically tractable jellyfish model for systems and evolutionary neuroscience." Cell 184, no. 24 (2021): 5854-5868.
Kelly LL Wong, Aditya Nair, and George J. Augustine. "Changing the cortical conductor's tempo: neuromodulation of the claustrum." Frontiers in Neural Circuits 15 (2021): 658228.
Ana Badimon, Hayley J. Strasburger, Pinar Ayata, Xinhong Chen, Aditya Nair, Ako Ikegami, Philip Hwang et al. "Negative feedback control of neuronal activity by microglia." Nature 586, no. 7829 (2020): 417-423.
Miaomiao Mao, Aditya Nair, and George J. Augustine. "An automated data extraction and classification pipeline to identify a novel type of neuron within the dorsal striatum based on single-cell patch clamp and confocal imaging data." Data in brief 32 (2020): 106148.
Martin Graf, Aditya Nair, Kelly LL Wong, Yanxia Tang, and George J. Augustine. "Identification of mouse claustral neuron types based on their intrinsic electrical properties." ENeuro 7, no. 4 (2020).
Miaomiao Mao, Aditya Nair, and George J. Augustine. "A novel type of neuron within the dorsal striatum." Frontiers in Neural Circuits 13 (2019): 32.
Kathy Cheung, Aditya Nair, Lingyun Li, Mikhail Shapiro and David J. Anderson†. Population coding of predator imminence in the hypothalamus. BiorXiv. In revision.
Aditya Nair. Latent dynamical models discover state dependent line attractor-like representations in the hypothalamus during social behavior. Cosyne 2023. Selected for an invited talk at Cosyne Workshop on "What I cannot create I do not understand: analyzing neural and behavioral data with generative models".
Aditya Nair, Tomomi Karigo, Bin Yang, Surya Ganguli, Mark J. Schnitzer, Scott W. Linderman, David J. Anderson, and Ann Kennedy. An approximate line attractor in the hypothalamus that encodes an aggressive internal state. Gordon Research Conference on the Hypothalamus, 2022. Selected for invited talk.
Aditya Nair, Tomomi Karigo, Bin Yang, Ann Kennedy, David J. Anderson. Dynamical systems analysis reveals a novel hypothalamic encoding of state in nodes controlling social behavior. Cosyne 2022. Selected for invited talk. (Top 3% of all submissions)
Aditya Nair, Martin Graf, George J. Augustine. Opposing cholinergic gain control of the claustrum. Society for Neuroscience 49th Annual Meeting, 2019.
Aditya Nair, Martin Graf, George J. Augustine. Opposing cholinergic gain control of the claustrum. Gordon Research Conference on Neuromodulation, 2019, Awarded Simon's Foundation Award for best poster.
Aditya Nair, Martin Graf, George J. Augustine. Cell-type specific cholinergic modulation of the claustrum. Society for Neuroscience 48th Annual Meeting, 2018. Awarded Trainee Professional Development Award, SfN.
Aditya Nair, Martin Graf, George J. Augustine. The claustrum receives neuromodulatory input from the basal forebrain. 3rd Society for Claustrum Research Meeting, Salk Institute, 2018. Selected for invited talk.
The Roots of Rage, Shaastra Magazine, March 2023.
Anger Integrator Functions as a Volume Knob, The New Indian Express, March 10, 2023
A Theory of Rage, Caltech, January 5, 2023.
A New Era for the Neuroscience of Social Behavior, Simons Foundation, December 15, 2022.
New Insight into the Hidden States of the Brain, Simons Foundation, October 12, 2022.
A Gene-Tweaked Jellyfish Offers a Glimpse of Other Minds, Wired, December 13, 2021
How to Read a Jellyfish's Mind, Caltech, November 12, 2021.
Tiny Scavenger Cells Help Prevent Overactive Brain Circuits, Forbes, September 30, 2020
He finds tech fix for neuroscience problem, Straits Times, August 2, 2018
For a more complete look at my publications, check out my google scholar.